Our Story

Our story is deeply Brazilian.

In our bottles, we distill stories, nature, and people. We combine the genuine with the unexpected, celebrating an unexplored, mysterious reality in flavors and sensations. Ready to be enjoyed.

From the old, we bring the new in a deep dive into our roots.
It’s what makes us unique.

From the forest to Naiá’s arms.
From the flavors and aromas of the Amazon.
From tradition to care and respect in every detail.
In our essence, there is a Brazil full of stories that we want to share.

This is the intimate nature for which Amázzoni exists. To bring forth the best of nature and people. To create warm memories and unfold the cheerful and sunny spirit of our people, always in a respectful, unassuming, and synesthetic way, conquering the world with a genuinely Brazilian recipe.

An incredible Brazilian gin, blending five Amazonian botanicals with 400 years of tradition, created in 2015 by Arturo Isola, Alexandre Mazza, and the mixologist Tato Giovannoni, and established in the Paraíba Valley, Rio de Janeiro.

Amazon Inspirations

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From the waters the star was born

From the fresh water that nourishes Amazonian nature. This crystal clear and impetuous water is like the joyful and solar spirit of our people. From this water, Amázzoni is born, the union of traditionality and unexplored aromas.

In an unprecedented and unusual recipe, Amázzoni combines traditional botanicals, such as juniper, coriander and Sicilian lemon, with the Amazonian and Brazilian aromas of Brazil nuts, cocoa, bay leaves and clove vines.

As in a meeting of two worlds, which embrace to become one.

Like the open arms of Naiá, the Indian woman who went out every night looking for Jaci, the great lunar warrior. One day, still wanting to be a star in Jaci’s sky, Naiá drowns on the banks of the river. And so, from the fresh water of the Amazon River, Vitória Régua, a water star, is born.

Mixing nature, people and stories, Amázzoni was born to provide the world with the hidden accents of the Amazon and the genuine essences of a Brazil that is still unknown, against the current, proud of its own dreams and rooted in its own territory.

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Partnership Comes from Xingu

Our commitment to the Amazon Rainforest goes beyond savoring the best of nature and its aromas. We value the production and artisanal processes of roots that come from the earth. Each bottle represents our dedication to the environment from start to finish. Therefore, for each bottle of Amázzoni sold, we will contribute R$1 to the Vem do Xingu organization, a brand managed by Rede de Cantinas da Terra do Meio.

With 12 years of history, the Network brings together extractivists, riverside dwellers, indigenous people and family farmers from the region between the middle of the Xingu River and the Transamazônica. The organization is made up of 27 canteens connected to 14 community associations from 5 Indigenous Lands and 3 Extractive Reserves in a territory of 9 million hectares, directly benefiting 3045 people.

The canteen network is much more than a commercial arrangement, it is a local articulation that promotes territorial governance, the protection of forests and rivers and the appreciation of various traditional cultures. Together with the associations and support organizations that make it up, the Network also strengthens the struggles to promote good living through education, health and other rights of forest people.

Here is where it all begins!

Located amidst rivers and imperial palm trees in the Paraíba Valley, in the interior of Rio de Janeiro, our distillery is the heart of our entire production process.

Originally built in the eighteenth century to house a coffee plantation, the space was eventually converted into a gin distillery in 2015.

We see our distillery as a home where the magic of combinations happens, where our dose of nature is born.

The passion for intense aromas, the appreciation for gin, and the creative power to conceive an authentic and innovative spirit brought together our founders: Arturo Isola, an Italian architect and designer based in Rio de Janeiro, Alexandre Mazza, a Brazilian visual artist, and Tato Giovannoni, an Argentine mixologist widely recognized as one of the best in the world.

Together, they created the perfect infusion of exclusively Brazilian ingredients and classic botanicals. From this encounter, Amázzoni was born, distilling the best of nature and people.

Production Process

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For us, the process is as important as the final product.

Valuing the quality and flavor of our elixir, we use 100% natural, selected and inspected botanicals.

Without the use of any type of extract or essence, the ingredients are macerated and infused separately in stainless steel tanks before being brought together in the stills, a unique process that took two years and many tests to achieve the final result.

Paying homage to the strength of Amazonian women, our stills are the home where we mix waters from waterfalls with botanicals, and transform them into our genuinely Brazilian nectar.

Powered and heated by our boilers, the four stills produce 750 liters of gin, which are looked after one by one as if they were the first.

In our distillation process, the liquid boils and evaporates until it enters the cooling tower, where cold water coils turn it back into a liquid.

After leaving the still, our gin is sent directly to the hands of our warrior women. In a delicate and careful process, our bottles are supervised one by one from washing to filling. Everything to certify quality and ensure that each bottle can create extraordinary experiences.

We are committed to keeping our production process fully sustainable. To achieve this, we reuse all waste generated during the process.

Thus, 20% head and 30% tail discarded from the distillation are sent to the rectification still, transforming it into ethanol for our distillery’s vehicles.

The raw material used for the infusions becomes fuel for the boiler, and together with reforestation wood and donations from neighboring companies, they generate heating for the stills.

Our Awards

Conquering the World with Amazonian Experiences

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Mixing the traditional with Amazonian inspirations in our original recipes, Amázzoni has been recognized in major international awards, such as the World Gin Awards and the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.

Bringing unexplored stories and flavors to the world, our entire portfolio has earned medals of excellence. It’s no wonder our distillery was voted Best Craft Producer in 2018.